Amazing Potential Benefits of Micro-Dosing Psilocybin

Micro-dosing a psychedelic substance means taking a very low dose of either lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) or psilocybin-containing mushrooms (or truffles) either occasionally or on a regular basis.

Have you ever been wondering what it’s like to micro-dose a psychedelic substance, and what could the potential benefits of such practice be? A said “secret of success” for many entrepreneurs and artists has piqued the interest and gained popularity in the general public in recent years, so let’s dive in!

Here we have listed not only some of the results of micro-dosing studies but also a collection of personal experiences to give you the best possible overview of real-life, tangible benefits of micro-dosing psilocybin mushrooms/truffles.

Micro-dosing studies

micro-dosing studies

To this date, there are only four scientific articles done on micro-dosing. Even though many more studies have probably been conducted, the legality of psychedelic substances can make it difficult to conduct more studies. However, let’s explore the current findings!

  1. First, Johnstad (ref.1) held interviews with people who micro-dosed and reported generally positive experiences. Some of them being improved mood, increased energy levels, and better cognition.
  2. In the second study by Prochazkova L (ref.2), it was found that micro-dosing increased levels of creative thinking, and coming up with “out-of-box” solutions.
  3. In the third study (ref.3) which was a large cross-sectional study, it was found that micro-dosers reported a reduced experience of negative emotions, attitudes, and thinking, as well as an increased sense of wisdom, creativity, and open-mindedness relative to people who never took a micro-dose.
  4. Last but not least – the fourth study which was a double-blind placebo-controlled study by Yanakieva (and also the most scientifically rigorous study to date (see ref.4)), showed changes in perception of time following micro-dosing.

Safety of micro-dosing psilocybin mushrooms/truffles

There have been no studies done on the safety of micro-dosing, however, there has been enough research on higher doses of psychedelics, which suggest that these substances are relatively safe. Due to their intensity as well as building body tolerance, they are non-addictive and have an extremely low level of abuse. A large-scale population study has also not found any link between the use of psychedelics and negative mental health outcomes.

The potential downsides of micro-dosing psychedelics that were found in the previously mentioned micro-dosing studies show that some of the participants can experience unpleasant emotions, unease, and perceptual disturbances. Therefore, it is safe to say that, although most people had positive effects using micro-dosing, it may not be universally suitable for everyone.

micro-dosing psychedelics

Quotes from people with personal experiences with micro-dosing psychedelics

  • “It was as if a whole new world opened up for me. Psychedelics, combined with my doctoral study, really broadened my mind.”
  • “I had a very reflective day. I felt blissfully connected with nature and came up with optimistic ideas for the future.”
  • “I was finding that all music inspired unique mental imagery. Much like each frequency was creating a unique figure in my mind’s eye, very fascinating.”
  • “I had an interesting experience sitting on my porch at my house in the forest. All the sounds in the forest became an orchestra, it was beautiful, layered, and rhythmic.”
  • “I felt a lot more connected to nature, there are dogs where I am working. I’m not totally comfortable around dogs, but I sat with 3 of them a while, we were still together while they lay in the sun, I felt connected and deeply grateful for their trust and support.”
  • “We went to see a band play, and I found I was able to connect to the music in a deeper way.”
  • “Most people don’t get munchies on mushrooms. That’s not a thing. But, I do, and I strongly believe this is because my body is “speaking” to me more strongly — or I’m “listening” more.”
  • “People take well over a gram recreationally. I weigh out about 0.12g and then just swallow it, like any food. It gives me alertness, an assurance. I move from a place of anxiety to a normal state of confidence, not overconfidence.”
  • “I felt unusually alive,” she says. “Lights looked sparkly. I felt delighted. After the first month, I tweaked it so that dose days coincided with, say, visiting family. I enjoyed playing with the kids more when I was micro-dosing. Likewise going to weddings – I found it easier to be interested in people.”
  • “If the impact on my life is finally finding a way out of depression, then I’m comfortable making that choice,” she says. “The first day I micro-dosed was the best day I’d had in five years. For so long, I’d felt like I’d been sedated. It’s so miserable when you know you used to be excitable and enthusiastic. But that day, it felt like a lightbulb had been turned on in my mind. I felt giddy, just really glad to be alive. I’d not had those feelings for so, so long.”

Will micro-dosing psilocybin mushrooms/truffles work for everyone?

micro-dosing psilocybin truffles

Microdosing psychedelics can leave you with more questions than answers. It may work for some, and it may not work for others. What seems to be a sweet spot is to find the best dosage for you, and see in which situations and settings it would benefit you most personally. It is quite easy to take too little or a little too much, and even a slight change in dosage can affect the result.

Micro-dosing dosage

micro-dosing dosage

It is said that a normal micro-dose for dried psilocybin mushrooms is anywhere between 0,2-0,3 grams. For some people, 0,2g can be too little, and for others, it can be more than enough. We recommend starting small, perhaps with 0,1-0,2 grams, and building it up if more is needed for the next time.

The dosage for fresh psilocybin truffles will be approximately 3x more to experience the same effect. Measure carefully, and, to stay on the safe side, plan nothing important for the day that you are taking the micro-dose. You will still be able to do your daily tasks, but for the sake of not getting too distracted or overwhelmed, it’s best to just plan some relaxation time.

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