Learn How To Make Magic Truffle Tea in 5 Easy Steps!

magic truffles

If munching on psilocybin truffles is not your thing, thankfully, there is another, more delicious way to consume them that will also be gentler on your stomach. Avoid nausea, keep all the potency, and make your taste buds happy! Let us teach you the easiest way to make magic truffle tea without compromising on the potency of your magic truffle experience. Follow our tips and get the most out of your trip!

How to Make Magic Truffle Tea

how to make magic truffle tea

Step Nr. 1: Chop, Chop, and Chop Some More!

The first step you can take is start cutting your magic truffles into small pieces. The smaller your magic truffles will be cut, the more potent your magic mushroom tea will be. Not only that but the psychedelic compounds will also be released faster. What a good way to ‘sharpen’ your cutting skills!

Step Nr. 2: Boil Some Water and Go Easy with the Heat

This part you definitely don’t want to miss as it can make or break your success with making a magic mushroom tea – watch out for the heat. The compound responsible for you experiencing a magic truffle trip is called psilocybin, and it can easily be destroyed by boiling water. To get all the potency possible, boil the water separately and let it cool down for a few minutes before adding it to your freshly chopped magic truffles. This way, you get to preserve all the good stuff!

Step Nr. 3: Combine the Water with Magic Truffles and Let It Steep

how to make magic truffle tea

Pour the hot water over your magic truffles, stir a little, and allow your tea to steep for 15-20 minutes. It can be tempting to drink it after a few minutes, but your patience will be rewarded. Meanwhile, you can use your time well and prepare yourself for the upcoming trip by getting in the right mind space. Slow down, meditate, stretch a little, or set up some music – do whatever feels right in the moment as your tea gets ready!

Step Nr. 4: Strain Your Tea

how to make maguc truffle tea

Once the time has passed, you can discard the remaining magic truffles by straining your tea into another cup. Press on the truffle bits to get out any extra tea (and psilocybin!) to get all the potency into your cup.

Step Nr. 5: Drink It!

Have it pure or add a spoon of honey for sweetness, either way – your tea is ready to be enjoyed! Hold it in your hands, set your intentions for the magical journey that’s coming, and drink it.

Bonus: ‘Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezy’ – Magic Truffle Lemon Tea Recipe

lemon magic truffle tea

If magic truffles have made you feel nauseous in the past, there is another way how you can make a magic truffle tea that will reduce or perhaps completely eliminate nausea, and it’s commonly known as the Lemon Tek technique. It’s very simple – you only need to add lemon juice. The way it works is that lemon juice converts psilocybin into psilocin and your stomach has to do less work. However, because of that, the onset may come on faster and stronger, and the trip may not last as long as it normally would. If that is no problem for you, go ahead and give this recipe a go!

Step 1: Cut the magic truffles into small pieces just as we described in the first recipe. The smaller, the better!

Step 2: Place the freshly chopped truffles in a cup and add some freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Step 3: Stir well and allow the truffles and lemon juice to sit together for 10 minutes.

Step 4: Boil the water and then let it cool down for a few minutes.

Step 5: Add the water to magic truffles, stir it again and let it steep for another 20 minutes.

Step 6: Strain the tea from truffle bits and press on them to squeeze out any leftover tea.

Step 7: Voila! Your magic truffle tea is ready, and you can now drink it.

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