5 Vitamins And Minerals To Boost Your Winter Wellbeing

Winter is coming, and that means most of us are getting ready to spend the next few months at home, close to a heater and clutching a warm beverage. Unfortunately, despite the cosiness, winter brings with it more than just a good excuse to lounge around at home. The winter months notoriously mark the high season for the common cold, flu, and other illnesses. Luckily, however, vitamin and mineral supplements combined with a healthy lifestyle can hold the key to skipping the winter blues.

Why bother taking supplements in winter?

Why Bother Taking Supplements In Winter?

It’s no coincidence that the winter months are the high season for colds and cases of flu. The colder temperatures and short daytime hours that characterise the winter actually have a profound effect on both our physical and mental health, leaving our immune systems weakened and making us more susceptible to contagious illnesses. Below we explore 3 of the biggest drivers of illness brought on by winter.


Many people experience fatigue during the winter, and for good reason. On the one hand, the cold weather often makes going outside less appealing, meaning you might not get as much vitamin D as you would in spring or summer. In many people, including otherwise healthy individuals, this lack of vitamin D can cause fatigue.

Fewer daylight hours may also impact your ability to get vitamin D, especially if you live in far northern or southern regions or if you work a 9–5 office job. You might find yourself arriving at and leaving work while it’s dark outside, meaning you have hardly any time to soak what little sun there is. The fewer daylight hours that characterise winter have also been shown to produce a spike in melatonin production, which may further increase feelings of fatigue.

As the cold weather strikes, we also tend to opt for more comforting foods, many of which aren’t very healthy. Combine this with a decreased will to exercise and you’ve got yourself another reason why so many people feel sluggish, tired, and fatigued during winter.

The Winter Blues (AKA SAD or Winter Depression)

The Winter Blues (AKA SAD Or Winter Depression)

Winter depression, also known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a real phenomenon that affects many people every year. Due to a lack of sun exposure, people with SAD experience a pronounced drop in serotonin—aka the “happiness hormone.” People with SAD or winter depression typically experience:

  • Sadness or depression
  • Anxiety
  • A lack of energy or motivation
  • A lack of pleasure from normally pleasurable activities
  • Mood swings or irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Food cravings and weight gain

Compromised Immune Function

The generalised fatigue and winter blues described above have a pronounced effect on the immune system. Combine a lack of vitamin D, tendencies to stay inside and not exercise, poor eating habits and seasonal affective disorder, and you can guarantee that your immune system won’t be working at its prime. Something as simple as spending too much time indoors with the heater on (which expels dry, warm air that dries out and irritates the airways) can set the stage for a cold or flu to wreak havoc on your system.

Key nutrients that support your body and wellbeing during winter

With fatigue and winter depression weighing down on your immune system, your body can use all the support it can get to make it through the winter months unscathed. Luckily, with the vitamins and minerals listed below, you can give your body the boost it needs to fight off colds, the flu, and other diseases during the winter.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is key to the proper functioning of our bodies as it supports the absorption of nutrients like calcium and phosphorus in the blood; contributes to the maintenance of healthy bones, and supports the immune system. Luckily, the best source of vitamin D is free: namely the sun.

Unfortunately, as we mentioned before, the cold weather and shorter days of winter can make it hard for people to get outside and soak up some rays. In turn, they might feel fatigued, depressed, or otherwise “under the weather.” That’s where vitamin D supplements like this Vitamin D Spray by Mindscopic can make a huge difference. With 1 oral spray containing 5x the recommended daily amount of vitamin D, Mindscopic’s Vitamin D spray sure deserves to form part of your winter supplement lineup. Best of all, the spray has a raspberry flavour, is 100% vegan, and completely natural

Vitamin C

Vitamin C

There’s no denying it: vitamin C is a vital part of any healthy diet. It plays a key role in the health and repair of bodily tissue, the formation of collagen (the protein that provides structure and support to your bones, muscles, and skin), and supports the normal functioning of the nervous system. Come winter time, vitamin C is even more important, as it is vital for supporting immune function.

Luckily, getting your daily dose of vitamin C is super simple with these Zamnesia Vitamin C tablets. 1 tablet contains over 6x the recommended daily dose of vitamin C and features a special formulation to maximize absorption and bioavailability.

B Vitamins

B Vitamins

Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folic acid are all B vitamins. Comprising a total of 8 different compounds, B vitamins are central to a wide variety of bodily processes. For example, a lack of B vitamins can often lead to a lack of energy and fatigue, as these vitamins are needed to help our body use essential nutrients from the food we eat. Hence, come wintertime, it’s ever more important to ensure you get all your B vitamins to avoid feeling fatigued and blue. Moreover, B vitamins are also involved in the formation of new cells, support enzyme function, and more.

The Zamnesia B Vitamin Complex is a comprehensive vitamin B supplement. From thiamin (B1) to cyanocobalamin (B12), a single tablet of Vitamin B Complex contains all the B vitamins you need and makes for the perfect ally in the cold winter months.




If you’re reading this, then staving off a winter cold or flu is likely a top priority for you. That being the case, it is super important you get enough zinc during the winter months. Used by cells all around the body, zinc is vital for the maintenance of healthy bones, aids in cell division, and contributes to normal cognitive function. Moreover, zinc also helps support proper immune function, which is key during the winter months. And while it can be challenging to get enough zinc from food, supplements like Potency Pills make this a lot easier.

A standard daily dose of Potency Pills (3 tablets) contains a complex formulation of vitamins and minerals specially crafted to support the proper functioning of your body. Besides being loaded with vitamins C, E, B16, B12, and folic acid, a standard daily dose of


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